How Auto Detailers Can Eliminate the Odors that Cleaning Just Can’t Get Rid Of
Make no mistake, auto detailers know how to clean the inside of a car. They utilize heavy-duty vacuums, steam cleaners, chemicals, and brushes to give cars a clean, spiffy look ready for prominent display. Unfortunately, though, these tools don’t always give cars a clean smell.
Car interiors can become infested with odors from constant, long-term cigarette smoking and odors stemming from more short-term incidents like rotten food and vomit -- and even the most heavy-duty cleaning agents can’t always remove them.
Even after pouring hours into getting cars looking shiny and attractive again, customers will ultimately be unsatisfied if, when they get into the car, they are taken aback by lingering odors. There are five deadly odor sources that wreak havoc for detailers: pets, cigarettes, gasoline, vomit, and rotten food. These may pose quite a challenge, but they also present a significant business opportunity, too -- detailers that are able to consistently make these scents disappear can charge an extra fee for severe odor elimination.
Introducing the Auto Shocker™ ClO2 Odor Eliminator*
The liquid-based cleaning agents used by detailers get cars looking great by working on surfaces inside the car, but odors persist because they exist beneath the surface, often below what even the strongest cleaners can reach. The Auto Shocker™, however, is a gas (chlorine dioxide, to be specific) and is positively charged, naturally attracting odors (which are negatively charged) like a smart bomb and completely neutralizing them.
And best of all, the amount of physical labor involved is negligible -- just shut all the windows, close the doors, deploy an Auto Shocker™, and come back a few hours later. It goes to work.* infiltrating every last nook and cranny deep within the carpet fibers and the seat cushions -- all while you are away working on something else, effectively doubling your productivity. It’s completely biodegradable and leaves no harmful residue.
How to use
The Biocide Systems Guarantee
In addition to the Room Shocker™ being non-toxic and eco-friendly (and made in the USA), we guarantee its success or your money back.
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Room Shocker™ ClO2 Odor Eliminator Quick Release Vapor
- SKU: RSQR15 Manufacturer: Biocide Systems
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Auto Shocker™ ClO2 Odor Eliminator Quick Release
- SKU: ASQR15 Manufacturer: Biocide Systems
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Liquid Shocker™ ClO2 Odor Eliminator
- SKU: LS15 Manufacturer: Biocide Systems
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RV Shocker™ ClO2 Odor Eliminator Quick Release Vapor
- SKU: RVQR15 Manufacturer: Biocide Systems
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Marine Shocker™ ClO2 Odor Eliminator Quick Release Vapor
- SKU: MSQR15 Manufacturer: Biocide Systems