Oh No! My Dog’s Been Skunked! Best Way to Remove Skunk Odor from Dog
You don’t have to live out in the deep woods to run into skunks, as any skunk sprayed dog will tell you (if he could talk, that is). Skunks can be found from the forest to the plains, and even in suburban neighborhoods. As their habitat is cleared to make room for our homes, they have very little trouble adapting to life right in our back yards and ditches.
If you’ve ever had to deal with a skunk sprayed dog, you know there’s no smell on earth quite like it. Something about the combination of skunk musk and dog smell seems to bring out the worst in both of them.
Chances are, you’ve heard of all the old remedies to remove skunk odor from dog. If you’ve ever tried washing your dog in tomato juice, you know how unpleasant it can be for you and the poor dog. What’s worse, you need to repeat the washing several times before it puts a dent in the skunk smell. On top of that, you need to give your dog another bath to get the tomato juice off. That just isn’t the best way to remove skunk odor.
Biocide’s doggieCLEEN Skunk Spray is a safe and effective product to use when you need to remove skunk odor from dog. While we can’t promise your dog will enjoy a bath with doggieCLEEN any more than he enjoys it with tomato juice (or anything else, for that matter), we can tell you that it’s the best way to remove skunk odor, and it’s safe for you and your pet.
Biocide doggieCLEEN Skunk Spray works by removing the smell by means of a safe chemical reaction. Any organic matter, such as urine, vomit, and yes, skunk musk, Biocide encounters is reduced to chloride and chlorite ions, both of which are completely harmless. This is not only effective in removing the odor, but is also safe for your skunk sprayed dog.
If you live where there are skunks (and chances are you do, whether you realize it or not), you should have some doggieCLEEN Skun Spray on hard, just in case you ever find yourself with a skunk sprayed dog and need a fast way to remove skunk odor from dog.
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