Odor Removal Products that Actually Work
Owning an apartment complex means that you have to make sure an apartment is clean every time a tenant moves out. Cigarette smoke and pet odors are the most common odors left behind after someone moves out. They are also the most difficult to eliminate without replacing almost everything and spending hours cleaning and scrubbing.
If the previous tenants owned pets you not only have the smell of the pet to deal with, but you also have pet urine odors to get rid of. Pet urine has a unique protein make up that keeps it from being removed with conventional cleaning methods. Even if you don’t see it, you can still smell it, especially if the spot has gotten wet.
When you run into odors that seem like they will never go away you have a few options. One option is to spray a bunch of air freshener and clean the carpet, hoping it is enough to mask the smell for a while. You could also replace the carpet, paint the walls, and replace the furniture.
But before you spend too much time and money, use Biocide Systems Room Shocker to completely remove odor from the home without having to remodel the entire apartment. Room Shocker will make the rooms smell better and eliminate the odor in plenty of time for your new tenants to move in.
With the use of ClO2-DMG release technology, our odor eliminators generate and release a nontoxic Chlorine Dioxide into any confined area. The nontoxic Chlorine Dioxide penetrates deep into any porous material, which will completely eliminate odors for good.
Biocide Systems has used modern science and technology to create an odor eliminator that can remove odor from the home, apartment, and car. We have everything that apartment managers and rental property owners need to get rid of odors. Biocide Systems are also great for homeowners that smoke or own pets.
If you want to learn more about the eco-friendly products from Biocide, give us a call at 877-792-4624 today!
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