How to Deodorize your car using Auto Shocker
Auto Shocker is the pioneer ClO2 odor eliminator when it comes to automobiles and is the solution to all of your car’s odor problems. We say this because this product has been especially designed for automobiles.
You’ve probably been through an embarrassing situation where picking up a friend in your vehicle, they may come across an overwhelming smell lingering in your car. If you own a pet that frequently travels with you, then being in such situations is inevitable.
Cigarette smoke is another problematic culprit that can easily plague your car, which can wind up smelling like an ashtray. Sometimes, you get accustomed to the odor of smoke since it has lodged itself in the upholstery of your car.
However, it’s not difficult for someone else to recognize the lingering odor as soon as they enter your car.
This is why we suggest using Auto Shocker. This product is the only effective solution out there for one simple reason – this product has not been designed to mask odors that become part of cars in mind.
Instead, Auto Shocker is designed to shock those pesky odors and remove them. It’s so easy to use and highly effective in eliminating even the most stubborn odors from your vehicle.
ClO2-DMG Technology
Auto Shocker uses the Chlorine Dioxide Disposable Micro Generator to deliver the Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2). One of the strongest, safest odor eliminators that works, ClO2 has been in use for more than 70 years now. Industrial facilities, as well as RO plants have been using this compound on a large scale to deal with odors. However, due to its cost, it was not up for grabs when it came to automobiles, but now it is finally affordable for you!
Here are some other reasons why you should consider Auto Shocker:
- There is no way that it will not work because it uses the revolutionary ClO2-DMG Technology.
- It comes with a money back guarantee!
- Easy and safe to use, which is why it does not require special handling or any safety equipment that comes with hazardous material.
- It is not labor intensive and you can easily apply it yourself.
- Auto Shocker is completely carcinogen-free, unlike the Ozone machines that also release VOC into the atmosphere. It is so safe because it breaks down to saline after usage.
- It is made in the USA and is entirely bio-degradable, making this eco-friendly product safe for you, as well as the environment.
- Its fast acting formula means that it will remove odors in a very short time. You can expect your odorous car to be transformed in as little as 4 hours. Even the most stubborn smells may take up to 12 hours depending on the severity.*
- Auto Shocker can be used on all sorts of automotives, regardless of their brands.
- It will not break the bank because it is completely cost effective.
How to use it
Shake the container, add water, and let the magic begin!
For more information on the bun One of the best substances that you can find that will absorb smells is dles that Auto-shocker is available in, visit our website.
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