Easy Tips to Remove Bad Odor from Shoes
Entering your home, have you ever been through the experience of your nostrils flaring from the smell of garbage bins in your yard or from the odor of your pet’s urine?
Or when you begin to take off your socks, someone close by notices the unbearable smell coming from your socks and shoes.
Such scenarios are quite common and a bit embarrassing in any home.
Such circumstances can be a little humiliating if you have a gathering at your home. You definitely wouldn’t want your guests complaining about unpleasant odors.
To help with such inconveniences, here are some simple, yet important tips to remove these foul odors from your house.
Removing Odors from Food Containers
You often forget to finish the contents of a food container, and when the expiration date has long passed, and it starts emitting an unfriendly odor, only then do you realize there is a stale food container hidden within that very cabinet.
To freshen up your food container, try doing the following:
- First, clean the container thoroughly.
- Next, place a crumbled newspaper into the box, then sprinkle baking soda on it.
- Close the lid tightly and leave the box overnight. Newspaper and baking soda will remove all traces of bad odor from your c container.
- Another way of getting rid of unpleasant odors from food containers is by using a loaf of bread. Moist a half loaf of bread with vinegar and place it in the container. Leave the container overnight. Then, the bread along with the vinegar will remove the stale food odor from your food box. After removing the bread on the following day, clean the box thoroughly with soap and warm water.
- Allow it to dry naturally.
- Here’s another pre-cleaning tip: If you don’t want the food container to absorb the food molecules, wet the kitchen towel with the help of olive oil and dampen the interior surfaces of the box with it. The olive oil will act as a protection for box surfaces.
Removing Bad Odors from Shoes
Shoe odors can get progressively worse if you don’t clean them carefully and regularly. Follow the given tips and preserve your footwear for longevity.
- Clean your shoes with soap and water, and scrub them thoroughly.
- Next, use a hair dryer to eliminate moisture. Brush them gently to avoid any damages.
- Apply a tablespoon of baking soda and allow it to sit overnight. The smell will be gone in the morning.
- You may then spray perfume on your shoes to mask the unpleasant odor, however using proper shoe spray will actually remove the smell.
- Another way to remove these unpleasant odors is by soaking your shoes for an hour in the mixture of water and vinegar. Make sure they are properly submerged because only then this tip will work. Remove the shoes after an hour and allow them to dry. Apply paper towels or newspaper inside the shoes to support in retaining their shape while drying.
In case you feel these tips are ineffective in your efforts so far in eliminating these stubborn odors, don’t forget to try Auto Shocker. The results of this magical product from Biocide Systems will surprise you.
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