Deodorizing A Room In Your Home
Experiencing odd smells in your room but unable to pinpoint the source of it? Your own nose may have grown immune to the stench over time, however, your friends and guests can smell it just fine. And they may not hold back from expressing their disgust and displeasure every time, much to your chagrin.
Wondering how you can get rid of such smells and save yourself from any humiliation in the future? Air fresheners will do the trick for a while, but to keep your room fresh and clean, you will need a special product. Don't worry, we found it and it is "Made in the USA"!
Room Shocker, the world’s first portable ClO2 delivery system, is one of the strongest and safest odor eliminating tools known to mankind.
Chlorine dioxide or ClO2, has been around for over 70 years; it is effectively used to remove severe toxic odors. However, up until recently, it was only used in large industrial applications as a gas or liquid solution.
But now, thanks to Biocide Systems and their ingenious partners at CLOO Labs, anyone can buy this magical odor removing formula in a jar. Using this patented ClO2-DMg technology, you have the power to remove stinky smell right from its source.
Basically, odor particles are attracted and removed by the chlorine dioxide gas as it seeps throughout the affected area. They then disintegrate upon contact, resulting in an odor free, clean and refreshed environment.
A few hours later, when you come back to the treated space, you'll be amazed and relieved to find nothing but crisp, fresh and clean air. Say “Goodbye” to pet odors, smoke or mildew smells!
BioShock product line has products to satisfy a nit-picky customer. Whether you are looking to treat a small area or a whole house, try their Home Cleanup Bundle to maximize the effect throughout the property, or opt for their quick release Room Shocker™ ClO2 Odor Eliminator.
Have pets? Go for doggiClEEN™ Skunk Spray ClO2 Odor Eliminator.
Moreover, this product is completely eco-friendly and non-toxic. All the components for the ClO2-DMG technology are made of biodegradable materials. The chlorine dioxide component releases no carcinogens or volatile organic compounds into the atmosphere. This means it is 100% safe to use around pets and kids.
The main ingredients literally break down into a salt and water solution, leaving no carbon footprint whatsoever. This product is made in the USA and offers a 100% money back guarantee. Amazing!
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Room Shocker™ ClO2 Odor Eliminator Quick Release Vapor
- SKU: RSQR15 Manufacturer: Biocide Systems
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Auto Shocker™ ClO2 Odor Eliminator Quick Release
- SKU: ASQR15 Manufacturer: Biocide Systems
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Liquid Shocker™ ClO2 Odor Eliminator
- SKU: LS15 Manufacturer: Biocide Systems
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RV Shocker™ ClO2 Odor Eliminator Quick Release Vapor
- SKU: RVQR15 Manufacturer: Biocide Systems
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DoggiCLEEN™ Skunk Spray
- SKU: DSS4 Manufacturer: Biocide Systems
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Marine Shocker™ ClO2 Odor Eliminator Quick Release Vapor
- SKU: MSQR15 Manufacturer: Biocide Systems