Recent News Articles on Odor Eliminating Techniques | Biocide Systems

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  • Easy Tips to Remove Bad Odor from Shoes

    Entering your home, have you ever been through the experience of your nostrils flaring from the smell of garbage bins in your yard or from the odor of your pet’s urine?

    Or when you begin to take off your socks, someone close by notices the unbearable smell coming from your socks and shoes.

    Such scenarios are quite common and a bit embarrassing in any home.

    Such circumstances can be a little humiliating if you have a gathering at your home. You definitely wouldn’t want your guests complaining about unpleasant odors.

    To help with such inconveniences, here are some simple, yet important tips to remove these foul odors from your house. 

    Removing Odors from Food Containers

    You often forget to finish the contents of a food container, and when the expiration date has long passed, and it starts emitting an unfriendly odor, only then do you realize there is a stale food container hidden within that very cabinet.

    To freshen up your food container, try doing the following:

    • First, clean the container thoroughly.
    • Next, place a crumbled newspaper into the box, then sprinkle baking soda on it.
    • Close the lid tightly and leave the box overnight. Newspaper and baking soda will remove all traces of bad odor from your c     container.
    • Another way of getting rid of unpleasant odors from food containers is by using a loaf of bread. Moist a half loaf of bread with vinegar and place it in the container. Leave the container overnight. Then, the bread along with the vinegar will remove the stale food odor from your food box. After removing the bread on the following day, clean the box thoroughly with soap and warm water.
    • Allow it to dry naturally.
    • Here’s another pre-cleaning tip: If you don’t want the food container to absorb the food molecules, wet the kitchen towel with the help of olive oil and dampen the interior surfaces of the box with it. The olive oil will act as a protection for box surfaces.

    Removing Bad Odors from Shoes

    Shoe odors can get progressively worse if you don’t clean them carefully and regularly. Follow the given tips and preserve your footwear for longevity.

    • Clean your shoes with soap and water, and scrub them thoroughly.
    • Next, use a hair dryer to eliminate moisture. Brush them gently to avoid any damages.
    • Apply a tablespoon of baking soda and allow it to sit overnight. The smell will be gone in the morning.  
    • You may then spray perfume on your shoes to mask the unpleasant odor, however using proper shoe spray will actually remove the smell.
    • Another way to remove these unpleasant odors  is by soaking your shoes for an hour in the mixture of water and vinegar. Make sure they are properly submerged because only then this tip will work. Remove the shoes after an hour and allow them to dry. Apply paper towels or newspaper inside the shoes to support in retaining their shape while drying.

    In case you feel these tips are ineffective in your efforts so far in eliminating these stubborn odors, don’t forget to try Auto Shocker. The results of this magical product from Biocide Systems will surprise you. 


    smelly shoes
  • How to Deodorize your car using Auto Shocker

    Auto Shocker is the pioneer ClO2 odor eliminator when it comes to automobiles and is the solution to all of your car’s odor problems. We say this because this product has been especially designed for automobiles.

    You’ve probably been through an embarrassing situation where picking up a friend in your vehicle, they may come across an overwhelming smell lingering in your car. If you own a pet that frequently travels with you, then being in such situations is inevitable.

    Cigarette smoke is another problematic culprit that can easily plague your car, which can wind up smelling like an ashtray. Sometimes, you get accustomed to the odor of smoke since it has lodged itself in the upholstery of your car.

    However, it’s not difficult for someone else to recognize the lingering odor as soon as they enter your car.

    This is why we suggest using Auto Shocker. This product is the only effective solution out there for one simple reason – this product has not been designed to mask odors that become part of cars in mind.

    Instead, Auto Shocker is designed to shock those pesky odors and remove them. It’s so easy to use and highly effective in eliminating even the most stubborn odors from your vehicle.

    ClO2-DMG Technology

    Auto Shocker uses the Chlorine Dioxide Disposable Micro Generator to deliver the Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2). One of the strongest, safest odor eliminators that works, ClO2 has been in use for more than 70 years now. Industrial facilities, as well as RO plants have been using this compound on a large scale to deal with odors. However, due to its cost, it was not up for grabs when it came to automobiles, but now it is finally affordable for you!

    Here are some other reasons why you should consider Auto Shocker:

    • There is no way that it will not work because it uses the revolutionary ClO2-DMG Technology.
    • It comes with a money back guarantee!
    • Easy and safe to use, which is why it does not require special handling or any safety equipment that comes with hazardous material.
    • It is not labor intensive and you can easily apply it yourself.
    • Auto Shocker is completely carcinogen-free, unlike the Ozone machines that also release VOC into the atmosphere. It is so safe because it breaks down to saline after usage.
    • It is made in the USA and is entirely bio-degradable, making this eco-friendly product safe for you, as well as the environment.
    • Its fast acting formula means that it will remove odors in a very short time. You can expect your odorous car to be transformed in as little as 4 hours. Even the most stubborn smells may take up to 12 hours depending on the severity.*
    • Auto Shocker can be used on all sorts of automotives, regardless of their brands.
    • It will not break the bank because it is completely cost effective.

    How to use it

    Shake the container, add water, and let the magic begin!

    For more information on the bun One of the best substances that you can find that will absorb smells is dles that Auto-shocker is available in, visit our website.


    blue car
  • Removing Cat Pee Odor the Right Way!

    If you have a cat, you probably identify how feline pee odor can ruin your surroundings. This odor is quite stubborn and will definitely make an unpleasant lasting impression on your guest’s nostrils . If you’ve been ignoring this odor for too long, for the love of your cat and loved ones, it may be time to do something about it.

    There is no denying the fact that  cat urine is a stubborn odor which requires immediate treatment for rapid results. If you delay the task, chances are you will only be able to temporarily remove the smell. As soon as any form of moisture comes in contact with that area, the odor will re-occur again.

    Treating it quickly will also help prevent this excessive peeing activity in cats as they are used to urinating wherever they smell this particular scent.

    So, here’re some home remedies to get rid of the odor of cat urine:

    • If the cat has just urinated on the rug or carpet, absorb the stain with the help of paper towels, as much as you can.
    • Next, place multiple layers of paper towels over that area. Apply pressure to the area  to fully absorb the wetness. Keep repeating this, until there is no sign of wetness and just the stain is left remaining.
    • Then, use a dry vacuum extractor to remove the remaining cat urine.
    • If you want to detect the remaining traces of urine from other areas of your house, use a UV or black light and the stains will illuminate under it. If you’re without a black light, you can always use your nose to find the source of the odor (we know this sounds totally disgusting).
    • After, prepare a mixture of vinegar and water, both 50% in quantity. Spray the mixture to dampen the problematic source. Make sure that the mixture is sufficient enough to deeply penetrate the fibers of your carpet.
    • Once the carpet has dried, use paper towels to blot it thoroughly. You may again use the vacuum extractor to remove excess moisture.
    • Now, apply a handful of baking soda on the affected spot.
    • Mix a quarter cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide along with a teaspoon of liquid detergent and pour this solution on baking soda. You may also use a spray bottle for drizzling.
    • After you’ve rubbed the solution into the carpet, let it dry. As soon as it dries, use vacuum to extract the baking soda. The odor and urine will be absorbed by the baking soda and will be extracted out by your vacuum.
    • You may also use a hard brush to loosen up the excess particles of baking soda.

    The urine smell will soon be gone. However, this is applicable only if the urine is fresh. Make sure to not use caustic soda which is used in a dishwashing powder.

    If you notice that this remedy does not work, then it means the odor has become stubborn and you will need a strong method to eliminate it. In such circumstances, you may use Room Shocker of Biocide Systems.

    If you wish to find out more about Auto Shocker, visit their website today.

  • How to Have Fish Without Smelling Like Them

    With fish being such a healthy addition to our diets, people everywhere are bringing it into the home and onto the dinner table. Of course, the tastiest and most healthy choice is fresh fish. Unfortunately, with fresh fish comes a not so fresh smell. Anyone who has had to deal with this knows that fish odor in the house is not an easy thing to conquer.

    After trying air fresheners and just about anything else that seems like it may work, your house just smells like a very clean fish market. That is because air fresheners only mask a smell and will not get rid of it completely. It will simply cover it up for a short period of time.

    Biocide Systems has an answer that will allow you to have fresh fish whenever you want and keep your home smelling great. The solutions from Biocide remove the odor rather than just covering it up for a small amount of time.

    Our Room Shocker will eliminate cooking odors, pet odors, urine odors, and any other odors that are plaguing your home. With Biocide Solutions, you won’t have to spend a lot of money every other week buying new air fresheners and carpet fresheners. With the use of Chlorine Dioxide, the odor is broken down so there is nothing left to cover up.

    Whether you buy your fish or enjoy catching them, cleaning them, and cooking them yourself, Biocide Systems has odor eliminators to meet all of your needs. We can even help you with figuring out how to get rid of fish odor from a boat or truckWith our Auto Shocker, you can eliminate even the most offensive smells such as fish odors, skunk spray odors, and even smoke odors.

    Before you decide to give up fish all together, contact us today and eliminate your odor problems for good!

  • How to Remove Cat Pee Odor

    Despite all his or her attitude, you love your cat. They are precious bundles of joy. Right there to give you love and accommodate you. So you can’t but help overlook their mistakes and make cover-up stories for the ‘accidents’ your cat caused. But there is one thing that is decidedly not excusable: your cat relieving itself in your bed, on the carpet spread across the living room, or even on your work clothes!

    Your cat piss whiff is going to be greeting your guests when they enter your house. I know, you can’t bear it yourself and it’s dreadful. And the only fear you have in mind as you prepare to clean it up is what if the stain and the smell never go away. Now that would be a problem.

    Follow these tips on removing cat pee odor from your home and the reasons behind it.

    1.       Cats are known to be fussy creatures as well as being “fuzzy”, adorable pets. Try to keep their litter box as clean as possible so they wouldn’t have second thoughts about doing their business elsewhere.
    2.       For when your cat or kitten pisses on the carpet, make sure to blot up as much of the cat pee with paper towels or old rags; treat the spot to a water and vinegar mixture and let it dry. Then sprinkle baking soda over it. After having tested the hydrogen peroxide on an inconspicuous area of the carpet, sprinkle the solution along with dish detergent and work it in with a good old brush. Let this dry too and vacuum it. 

    If, for some reason, you can still smell the cat piss, lather and rinse it before repeating. You may want to consider renting a wet vac or extractor to get rid of the heavy stains set in your carpeting; avoid the steam cleaners for upholstery or carpet cleaning though because it will permanently bond the stain to the fibers.

    1.       For the machine-washable laundry, including your bedding, clothing, rugs, add apple cider vinegar or baking soda to your usual detergent and then air dry it. Again, if the cat urine’s smell is still detected, then wash them again, this time adding an enzymatic cleaner to the mix.
    2.       If the wood of your baseboard, furniture, or walls has reacted to the urine acid and feature discoloration, you would need to remove and replace its layers of paint or varnish. There are washable wallpapers and washable enamel paint that are considered safe for pets.
    3.       But if you are looking for a green and easy to use product, which additionally is effective at removing the strong cat pee odor from your home and car, Bio Shocker can help. Not much is required on your part in terms of time and effort; it is even safe so people who get affected with the chemical stuff can benefit from it.

    Cleaning of the cat’s mess is stressed too for the reason that if they can smell their own urine at the particular spot, they will continue to come and use it again repeatedly. Given that, the economic Room Shocker is the ideal solution because they eliminate the odor forever using CI02 odor eliminator technology. 

    If home remedies are not your thing, contact 877-792-4624 and get to know more about this revolutionary technology. With Biocide products, it’s a guarantee you won’t always be worrying about accidents in future.

    kitten next to roll of toilet paper
  • How to Remove Car Odor

    Remember the first time you sat in your ‘brand’ new car? Not just the feel but also that fabulous new car smell; wasn’t it “heavenly”? Go sit in your car right now. What do you smell? Does your car still have that new car smell? What has happened to it now? Sick child, spilled coffee, snacks, sweaty dog, and cigarette smoke is what happened.

    If you are looking for a truly effective solution at eliminating your stinky car odor completely, Biocide’s Auto Shocker is the solution that is easy for you to use, effectively works at removing odors and comes with a money back guarantee.

    The Different Types of Chemicals

    Specific situations likewise call for specific chemicals to address them. Apart from products that will cover it up, there are some that will eliminate it.

    •         Encapsulant – to surround the source  and stop it from further spread of the odor
    •         Odor masks – to release a more pleasant smell to cover the unpleasant one
    •         Neutralizers – to influence the chemical reactions that is causing the odors
    •         Oxidizers – to facilitate the progress of the compound’s oxidation and render it unable to create more odor
    •         Bio-enzymes – to work at food spills, bodily waste, and any other kind of organic residue, which becomes a source of bad car odor on its own
    •         Absorbents – to attract and trap the odor molecules
    •         Disinfectants – to kill organic action such as the spread of mildew or mold in order to stop the generation of odors

    How is Auto Shocker different?

    Guaranteed as a safe, eco-friendly, and easy-to use product, it uses the ClO2 odor eliminating technology to remove a variety of car odors, most of which are too stubborn to be dealt with using typical do it yourself (DIY) odor removal remedies. Auto Shocker is an effective and efficient odor remover that works without leaving behind any of the harsh odors that chemical compounds do.

    Tips to Remove Car Odor

    The first thing you can do is to prevent the causes in the first place, see that it doesn’t happen. Habits like keeping a trash bag, regular cleaning (e.g. ashtray and under the seats), spraying a stain repellent, avoid eating and smoking are some ways to keep it fresh.

    But if you do, you can try these tricks.

    •         Wipe the interior properly. For the plastic, glass, wood, and metal parts, use a soft cloth with or without a mild detergent for all except metal. For the leather, a good leather cleaner will suffice.
    •         Vacuum both the car seats, cushions, and floor carpet besides other cracks and corners. Don’t forget to vacuum the trunk too. If you think it necessary, deodorizing prior to vacuuming is a good idea. Baking soda, charcoal, and natural scents like vanilla, citrus oils, and ground coffee are some of the best substances that work well to absorb those lingering smells.
    •         Steam cleaning and ozone generator are recommended odor removal treatments. Given their technicalities, they are best left for professionals. Plus, with respect to the ozone generator, there are high chances that people suffering from respiratory diseases will be susceptible to infections and other issues. 

    Don’t wait for the smell to become unbearable, use Auto Shocker. The next time you smell something foul smell coming from your car, the odor removal tips above can help solve the problem. On a side note, you may need to wear protective gear when working with chemicals as opposed to Auto Shocker.  Auto Shocker is eco friendly and safe with no harsh chemical smells. If you have any trouble with the directions for the latter, feel free to contact 877-792-4624.

    car vent
  • Deodorize a Room Using Room Shocker

    Ever walked into a room full of foul smells? Forget that; ever been embarrassed by having a hot date over complaining of a wretched smell you cannot even pinpoint? Question is, how do you get rid of a smell you have a problem finding where the stinky smell is coming from? Room fresheners may do the trick for a while, but then what? Can the room be certified clean and hygienic?

    Even you know, deep down, that the air freshening product you just used was not only inappropriate but also ineffective. Right? The only reason you used it was accessibility and ease of using it, right?

    So what if you were told of a product, which is (a) safe to use around pets, plants, and humans alike; (b) easy to use given it doesn’t require special hazard-safety equipment or complex methods; and (c) effective to the point that it eliminates odors quickly too? This is Biocide System’s Room Shocker.

    It is not just our habits and activities that encourage these smells; pets and wild animals like skunks making their way indoors can leave quite a pungent odor as well. The Room Shocker can help, especially if you opt for bundle specials like Home Cleanup or the Apartment Managers that will also prove to be economical. And if you have identified an object or a place that has been vomited upon or been on the wrong end of a food spill, the Room Shocker sees that getting rid of the object in hopes of getting rid of the smell isn’t the only option you have left. It is so strong that even the revolting litter box smell or the burned-down odor, can be dealt with efficiently.

    Office or Home, Use Room Shocker to Deodorize

    It can be risky letting the stench go untreated, more so when you are considering it in your ‘new’ office space or in your recently vacated rental. A little time and effort on your part can go a long way to get rid of it.

    1.       Ventilate the room. Take the smelly items outside too, if possible.
    2.       Clean the space including vacuuming; washing thoroughly the hard surfaces, and soft furnishings; and changing filters to any heating/air conditioning system you think are affected.

    Since a clean room shouldn’t necessarily be equated with odor-less spaces, hence whether as a precaution or a management service, proceed to use the Room Shocker solution. It basically uses Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2), an oxidizing agent that the Biocide Systems have made available for such small-scale use in the form of single-use high-tech packet, to disinfect your room and neutralize the smell without leaving any sort of harmful residue behind.

    All you need to do is to place the packet of ingredients into the disposable plastic cup that is filled 1/4th with warm tap water, leave and close the room, and let it emit the vapor (thus the deep penetration) and tear apart the odor molecules. Following it, you may need to ventilate the room again before it is ready for your guests.

    Contact now at 877-792-4624 to get this unparalleled new technology to eliminate any odors.

    smelly shoes
  • 5 Easy Tips to Remove Bad Odor

    So you are a neat freak you say. You can be a neat freak all you want but that doesn’t guarantee you will be able to avoid those stinking smells that force you to hold your nose. Opening windows and exhaust fans won’t do much to help either when you are battling with the odor of cigarette smoke, pets, aftershave and perfumes, even bad food. Ready not to give in? The following tips and tricks should help you remove stench and odors from your rooms in your house!

    1.     Bath-time for your trash cans

    This is for cans both outside and inside of your homes, so take special note. Make sure you are using hot soapy water the next time you wash them so any smelly remains still clinging to it will come off.

    Once dried, place right down at its bottom multiple (used) fabric softener sheets. This will absorb the unfortunate smell; yes, your trash actually won’t smell this time.

    2.     Home remedies a-cookin’ for the lingering odors in kitchen

    According to the EPA, the air inside homes is 2-100 times more polluted than outside; chemical fresheners, while common, aren’t exactly healthy. The grilled salmon smell for what you had for lunch, for one, can be fixed with boiling a mixture of baking soda, water, and lemon peel; burning all-natural soy candle would help prevent it in the first place.

    If the offensive smell is from the fridge, eliminate it with a sachet of dry coffee grounds (and cloves) you can place it inside. Alternatively, use white vinegar to wipe the fridge walls. Counters and cutting boards can be scrubbed with a mixture of salt/baking soda and lemon juice; follow it up by rinsing and then applying mineral oil to the spot.

    1.      Deodorize the toilet

    Used frequently, you can work with household vinegar and allow it to sit for 5 minutes at least before briskly scrubbing it and flushing it. On the other hand, a scrub made with baking soda, borax, and salt is useful too. A scented scrub is available with some drops of essential oil dabbed onto cotton balls.

    1.      Neutralize the musty basement

    You would want to activate your dehumidifier; it would no longer be damp, but that isn’t going to get rid of the mildew smell. For that, you would need either inexpensive vodka or rubbing alcohol, mix it with some drops of tea-tree oil, and spray it on the musty items. Sounds too much of an effort? Opt to shelf activated charcoal; it will absorb moisture and deal with the smells too.

    1.      Overpower stale closets and carpeting

    And if it were not embarrassing enough for you already, you have the wardrobe emitting these horrible smells too. Pet owners will have to fight the bacteria and urine off their plush carpets too. Go proactive- hang in a clean sock with dry coffee grounds in your closet, and proceed to give your carpet a baking soda treatment and thorough vacuum. For the bacteria, spray a disinfectant in between cleanings.

    Biocide Systems as a One-for-All Solution

    For an eco-friendly remedy to remove extreme bad odors from rooms in your house such as pets, spoiled food, body sweat, and mildew the best odor eliminator is the Bio-Shocker products. For further information on how to purchase and use these products, call 877-792-4624

    man smelling bad smell
  • Deodorize Your Car Using Auto Shocker

    Most individuals, in their efforts to ensure their car doesn’t come off as anything less than nice and clean, try to ‘remove’ the pungent smells and odors from their car with fragrances and perfumes for a quick fix. Thing is, it never works. Ever.

    These smells and odors are able to penetrate all types of fabrics and will stubbornly cling to everything unless you are more thorough in your odor removal approach.

    Our product the Auto Shocker, has been highly rated for its efficiency in the removal of odors from vehicles of all sizes.

    From simple usage and effective results to it being non-toxic, Auto Shocker is an environmental-friendly odor eliminator and it is why many professional car detailers love it and use it religiously. Here’s why you should too.

    Auto Care 101: Identifying the Type(s) of Odor in Your Car

    Did you just smoke a cigarette in your car? Is the car still reeking of your child’s vomit from last week? As you are likely to know already, most smells, particularly that of cigarette smoke, is not easy to remove from your car even as you shampoo the upholstery and carpets.

    But the fortunate part is that the majority of these smells—vomit, food, cigarette smoke, urine, mildew, grass, skunk—are some examples of the common ones – are organic. A suitable cleaner coupled with the right technique can do the job for you i.e. keeping the material from further decomposing. It would act in a similar fashion against the offensive and unhealthy smells budding from its air conditioning system.

    Auto Care 101: Using Biocide Auto Shocker to Deal with Strong Odors

    Drive a truck, a car, or an SUV? The make/model of your car doesn’t matter when you are using an innovative product such as Auto Shocker, which uses Chlorine Dioxide, or ClO2, as its powerful chemical deodorizer and odor elimantor.

    What You Need to Do

    Instead of simply going ahead with deodorizing, the first thing you need to do is prepare the car for the process. This includes removing the dirt and trash stuff from your car, essentially cleaning up. The cleaner the car is, the more effective the attack is going to be. Also, keep the areas accessible for penetration like opening the glove compartment and placing the floor mats on their sides. And last but not the least, keep the car in the shade because sunlight hastens the Cl02 degradation.

    The directions basically instruct you to submerge the product in a particular cup of water and place it in the vehicle before closing the door. You don’t have to be present while it works; you can dispose of the packet and air your car once the due time is complete for an impressively fresh-smelling car. The time varies according to the severity of the odor.

    How it Works

    ClO2 is an oxidizer, meaning that it will break up or neutralize the odor molecules residing in your car with the help of oxygen. Constituting of charged molecules, it is literally attracted to the foul smells. What makes it different from other chemicals is that it will degrade quickly to water and simple salts.

    Biocide Systems can help you if you want this ideal solution to car odors. Contact them at 877-792-4624.

    someone smoking in car
  • Eliminate Car Odors As Soon As They Appear

    Our cars are basically our home away from home as much time as we spend going back and forth to work, long trips, kid’s practices and sporting events, etc. It is no wonder car manufacturers are equipping vehicles with televisions, satellite radios, and phones to make commutes more pleasant.

    With all of the other things that are being made to make commutes more pleasant, why would anyone want to drive with mildew smell in the carMildew and pet smell can overshadow even the best features in your car.

    You can try buying a bunch of those air fresheners for your vents or little trees to hang from your mirror. Unfortunately, these often have an overwhelming smell at first, but before you know it the bad odor is back because they don’t actually remove mildew car smell. Not to mention, some spray air fresheners are bad for the environment.

    If you want to know how to remove car odors without spending a lot of time and money on unnecessary products or those that just don’t work, you need Biocide Systems’ Auto Shocker Quick Release formula.

    Biocide Systems’ Auto Shocker will allow you to remove pet smell from car upholstery, along with mildew, cigarette smell, and just about any other smell you can think of.  Biocide Systems’ odor eliminators don’t just mask odors. They break down the source of the odor so that it doesn’t keep coming back to haunt you.  

    With Biocide Systems, you and your friends can ride around enjoying all of the perks of your car and breathe easy knowing that bad odors are gone for good.

    Biocide Systems has the best odor eliminating products on the market, at some of the best prices you will find anywhere. While you are giving your car that new smell again, be sure to check out our Room Shocker for your home.

  • Just Because You Smoke Doesn’t Mean Your Friends Have To Suffer

    Whether you smoke in your car or just before you get in, chances are your car smells like it. Let’s face it, smelling like smoke is generally more appalling than appealing. There is definitely no way you can go in the office and talk to the boss about a big promotion wreaking of smoke.

    You also don’t want to pick up your date in a car that is filled with the odor of cigarette smoke. Well, that is, if you plan on having a second date. So, now the question is, “how can you have your cigarettes without your car smelling like smoke?”

    The answer is simple. You need to remove smoke odor from your car. Of course, the process of removing the odor may not be as simple. That is unless you are using the products from Biocide Systems.

    With Biocide Systems Auto Shocker, you can remove cigarette smoke odor from car surfaces including the upholstery.  As soon as you notice any sign of odors, use Auto Shocker Quick Release and get rid of the odors before they get rid of your date.

    Biocide Systems’ odor eliminators make removing smoke smell from car surfaces easier than ever and you don’t have to worry about the odors reemerging like you do with air fresheners and deodorizers.

    If you are want the most effective products for car smoke odor removal on the market, you need Biocide Systems. If you have questions concerning products for car odor or any other stubborn smells, our friendly customer service representatives will be glad to help.

    Don’t forget to check out our special savings deals when you buy our bundle packages, and if you like Auto Shocker Quick Release, you will love Room Shocker and Avanflex Liquid ClO2.

  • Are Musty Odors Turning Your Rental Properties Into A Headache?

    Owning rental property comes with a lot of responsibilities, especially when a tenant moves out. Dealing with an uncooperative tenant can mean a lot more than just a few late payments and chasing your money. It can also mean that when they move out, you are left with a huge mess.

    If you have ever had to evict your tenants, you know that things can get ugly really quick. Food left in the refrigerator, trash left all over the house, and the list goes on. Musty odor removal  can be tedious and expensive if you don’t do it right.

    Cleaning carpets is not enough to ensure that you have completely eliminated the musty odor in the house.  Using Room Shocker Quick Release after proper cleaning will leave you  resting easy, knowing that the awful odor won’t come back in a couple of days and scare new tenants away.

    Walking into a musty smell in the house doesn’t have to get you down. With Biocide Systems Room Shocker and Liquid Shocker ClO2, you can make musty odor removal the least of your worries. Unlike a lot of other products on the market, these odor removal products actually remove musty odors.

    Most products work for a while and eventually wear off, but with ClO2 technology, Room Shocker Quick Release and Liquid Shocker ClO2 can have your room smelling fresh in no time and they will eliminate musty odors instead of just masking them.

    If you are looking for the perfect solution to your odor problem, Biocide Systems can help. We have solutions for even the most difficult odors. Don’t waste your time with ineffective products and air fresheners that don’t work. Contact us today and let us help you save your time and money.

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